Tree mulching is a complimentary service that we add after a tree, branch or stump removal.

It can be the most effective act you can ever do for your tree or garden. The plants or trees are benefitted by the mulch when placed around the designated area by retaining the water which help keep the roots nice and moist, they also keep those unwanted weeds out and of course creates a neat and beautiful landscape, these are just a few of the many benefits of tree mulch, but if an improper method of mulch is done then this can also be a problem, we make sure that this improper procedure is avoided at State wide tree services.

At State wide our chipper is a special truck that allows all the branches and excess of a tree to be created into the perfect mulch for your landscape, if however the mulch is unwanted then of course this isn’t a problem and we are happy to take it with us to dispose of in an environmentally safe way.

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0452 189 797

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